DIY with Beeswax: Paw Protector

Paw protector wax is a pretty awesome gift to give those dog lovers in your life. Each ingredient has very beneficial properties such as the beeswax forms a protective barrier on your pets pads, and the coconut oil has anti bacterial properties. The Calendula oil...

The Swarm Built Comb On The Lid Part 1

I am currently in a bit of a sticky situation. The swarm that moved into my bee box has started building comb on the lid of box. If I ever want to get honey from these bees I need to remove the lid, add the next super (box) and put the lid back on top. This means I...

Time To Save The Planet

I want to help save the planet. I stopped using disposable water bottles, I don’t use weed killer, and I recycle. I decided I want to step it up a notch and try the reusable wraps made with beeswax. They are good for wrapping sandwiches, halves of fruit, or even...

How To Make Lip Balm Using Beeswax

I am writing this post a few months after we had made the lip balm, because life has a way of making time zoom past you. It is a fortunate thing because now I can give you an honest review of the lip balm Rachael and I made from our bee’s wax. We had gotten this...

How to Clean Beeswax

There are plenty of different ways to clean the beeswax that you harvest from your bees, and after Rachael did a lot of research and YouTube watching, we decided the easiest method for us was to filter is through very fine cheesecloth in hot water. It’s a bit...

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